Malice in the Cotswolds by Rebecca Tope – Review

Chosen by the Solve the Murder Book Club, we read Malice in the Cotswolds by Rebecca Tope The Plot Thea Osborne, accompanied by her beloved spaniel Hepzie, has had her fair share of unfortunate occurrences while house-sitting, and her new assignment for the mysterious Yvonne Parker is no exception. The isolated and somewhat unsettling village… More Malice in the Cotswolds by Rebecca Tope – Review

Belonging to a book club

I recently read an article by Gretchen Rubin entitled “How a Book Club Can Make You Happier”. She wrote that, as ancient philosophers and contemporary scientists agree that strong relationships make people happier and that reading makes people happier, a book club must make people happier as it combines relationships and reading. Eight science-backed reasons to… More Belonging to a book club

Solve the Murder Book Club – what are we reading now?

This month The Solve the Murder Book Club are reading Malice in the Cotswolds by Rebecca Tope The Plot Thea Osborne, accompanied by her beloved spaniel Hepzie, has had her fair share of unfortunate occurrences while house-sitting, and her new assignment for the mysterious Yvonne Parker is no exception. The isolated and somewhat unsettling village… More Solve the Murder Book Club – what are we reading now?