This is the second of the trilogy of puzzles. It comes with a short story booklet that provides background for the puzzle and once you’ve successfully completed the puzzle, there are glow-in-the-dark clues that you use to solve the mystery.

As a Bits and Pieces jigsaw, this puzzle had very odd shaped pieces making it a challenging build. A lot of the pieces were of a similar colour which did not help. The story was good and we correctly deduced the solution but we gave up on trying to complete the jigsaw!
There must have been multiple versions of the puzzle. Our puzzle has two standard shaped piece types. Both are similar to each other but enough difference to tell which is which. The problem is within a single type, the pieces are almost identical in shape. This made it very difficult for the sky and other non-unique areas. We would get so far and then be left with pieces that, while the right color, wouldn’t fit. We’d have to very carefully look at completed parts of the puzzle and find pieces that didn’t look right and hopefully replace them with a different piece. We were also able to use the glow in the dark part to help us figure out if pieces would work were we had them. This was all in the upper right hand quadrant for the sky and trees. In the end we did get it together. The glow in the dark feature is cool but our puzzle is so old it doesn’t glow for very long.
My wife and I think the version with odd shaped pieces might be easier.