Death and the Compass

Article by Ian Thirkettle

This blog is not a review, more a double recommendation.

First, the mystery story: Death and the Compass. This is a short story by Argentine writer and poet Jorge Luis Borges.  A Rabbi is found dead in a hotel room, stabbed in the chest. The room is filled with Kabbalah texts and a single page in a typewriter that reads “The first letter of the name has been written.” The celebrated detective and “reasoning machine” Erik Lönnrot suspects a rabbinical explanation but is he seeing patterns that may not be there?

I urge you to go and read the story.  It can be found on line here: and is about 14 pages long, read and enjoy.

The second reccomdation is the podcast Very Bad Wizards. This is a podcast featuring a philosopher, Tamler Sommers, and a psychologist, David Pizarro, who share a love for ethics, pop culture, and cognitive science.  Each podcast usually covers a philosophical subject and a psychological subject. 

Episode 282 has a disection of Death and the Compass. Here there are spoilers, so read the story before listening to the podcast. The podcast can be found here:

I quite enjoy the Very Bad Wizards podcasts. The two presenters are clearly very good friends and have a relaxed presenting style, they also cover a wide range of subjects so there is always something of interest.  Their name comes from the Wizard of Oz; not a bad person just a very bad wizard. The allusion to looking behind the curtain is not lost.

Having read the story and listened to the podcast, do you agree with their conclusions?

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